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Extra content to go with the book

The tree drawings below show the family trees of the men in the group photograph. In the exhibition they are printed 1 metre high and the whole vista including the example tree is 34 metres wide. On your screen you are not able to get the full impact that that full size allows, but you can at least look in more detail than is possible on the poster with the book. The roots are the men's ancestors (going down to the year 1812), and the branches are descendants of their parents (going up to the present year 2015). Branches with the yellowy-green glow show that the man in the group photograph has descendants who are still living, the other darker green branches being from their brothers and sisters. The earth horizon line goes through each tree at the date at which that man in the group photograph was born, and in between the trees it returns to 1889 which was the average year of birth for all these men. The two darkest bands across the sky represent the periods of the 2 World Wars. And above everything, the sun still shines.Use the links below to download the full size files to be able to see the names and details that run along the roots and branches and which really bring the uniqueness of each of these trees to life.

Notes on downloading & viewing the files: Right click on the download link, save the file and then open it in Acrobat Reader. If you are looking for a specific name or word, you can use the text search facility to show you where a particular word appears in the image and then you just need to zoom in to that location in the image. The example tree below gives details of how to interpret the tree drawings, and also includes historical time markers to give an idea of the scale of the periods of time depicted, and names the wars that appear as horizontal bands across each picture.
4th Row of trees for the Group Photograph

1 Harold COHEN - 2 George Bertrand COOTE - 3 Cecil Stedman CLOAKE - 4 Brian Dudley BRIGG - 5 Thomas Edward ALLEN - 6 Alfred Percival DOBSON - 7 Frank Mariner SUMPSTER
8 Geoffrey Heslop BLACK - 9 Cyril Arthur WILLIAMSON - 10 Harold Charles Linford KEABLE - 11 Harold Vivian WOODFORD - 12 Mervyn Phippen PUGH - 13 William Howe BISSLEY Download Row 4

3rd Row of trees for the Group Photograph

1 William Franklin George JOSEPH - 2 Richard Stephen Pierrepont POYNTZ - 3 Clifford SALMAN - 4 Thomas Bernard LAWRENCE - 5 Charles Randolph WATSON - 6 Henry Cyril THORNE
7 Donald Fenwick STILEMAN - 8 Thomas Gordon PEACOCK - 9 William George HOBBS - 10 Louis Arthur KLEMANTASKI - 11 Frederic Clifford GARDENNER - 12 Douglas Eric FOOT
13 Gordon Fraser MARSH - 14 Thomas Gerald ROBINSON - 15 Morice Bell THOMPSON Download Row 3

2nd Row of trees for the Group Photograph

1 Leslie Herman BERLEIN - 2 George Henry HEWITT - 3 Charles Gordon PARAMORE - 4 Lionel Huddlestone EDWARDS - 5 Charles Frederick Napier BARTLETT - 6 William Crawford WALTON
7 Ronald William BRAKSPEAR 8 Douglas TOSETTI - 9 Douglas Murray HANNA - 10 Wilfred Southey Deare OLDMAN - 11 James BARROW Download Row 2

1st Row of trees for the Group Photograph

1 Wilfrid Lawson CLARKE - 2 Aubyn Redmond ROUSE 3 Basil Perrin HICKS - 4 David Corse GLEN - 5 Edward Sidney Beaumont TAVENER - 6 Cyril SPARTALI - 7 Hugh Kennedy CASSELS Download Row 1

Download Example Tree

Example tree for interpreting Group Photograph tree drawings

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